You are here: 5. Job Costing > 5.4. TRANSACTIONS Menu: Transaction Processing > 5.4.1. Transactions - Job Transactions > Adding Labour to a Service Job > Add Labour to Job - Item
Add Labour to Job - Item

This option allows you to add or edit materials for a service job.

  1. Display the Add Labour to Job screen.

Refer to "Adding Labour to a Service Job".

  1. Select ITEM.

Micronet closes the Add Labour to Job screen and displays the Add Items to Job screen.

For information on using this screen, refer to "Adding Materials to a Service Job".


Technical Tip

When you select this menu option, the next time you display the Job Transaction Processing screen, EDIT | ITEM is selected so you add or edit materials for a job. You can also add or edit text for a job (refer to "Adding Text to a Service Job").